Finding my fromage

Hello, curd nerds! 

I am honored and humbled that you’ve found my website and want to learn more about me. I am a 26-year-old cheese enthusiast with a relatively cushy corporate job, and yet, as have many people post-pandemic, I’ve been feeling the call to find something that lights my soul on fire. During a somewhat uneventful day at the office in spring of 2023, I decided to check out the online job postings for my local cheese & wine shop, you know, just for funsies.

The next week I would spend hours preparing for an interview that felt like the most important interview of my life. Little did I know, the interviewer would ask me two questions. First, why I wanted this job and second, when can I start. Needless to say, clad in my plaid blazer for a part-time job in food service, I got the offer on the spot. Want to know a secret? In that moment, I felt just as much pride and excitement at landing a minimum-wage job in cheese as I had after being offered my current role at a Fortune 500 company.

I’ve been going strong at the shop for a few months now, and I look forward to going in for my shifts each week nearly more than words can say. I get to try cheeses from around the world, work with people who have been in the cheese world for decades, and help customers pick out the perfect cheese for whatever purpose they have in mind… and I get paid for it! I feel so incredibly lucky to have found my purpose, and have been thinking seriously about how I could transition to working full-time in cheese, while sharing the joy and beauty of this world with as many people as I can.

Enter: The Cheese Coach. In tandem with my job behind the counter at my local shop in New Jersey, I’ll be writing about my adventures in cheese, my travels to farms and creameries, appreciation of impeccably made cheese, and more. 

My Goal for The Cheese Coach

I don’t care if five people or five thousand people read this; my purpose here isn’t to achieve notoriety. The reason I’m writing these words and putting them online for all (or quite possibly, no one except my parents) to see is because I want to make people smile, or have moments of inspiration, or learn new things or all three. If a single person reads something I write and is inspired or touched or intrigued or - I can only hope - smiles or laughs, I will have achieved what I set out to. 

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. Stay cheesy, friends.

Education & Certifications:

Cheese State Scholar

Cheese State University